Top 5 Surf Spots & Surfing Beaches in Newcastle, Australia

Discover the Best Surfing Beaches in Newcastle, Australia 🏄‍♀️

Newcastle, Australia, often referred to as the "Surf City" of Down Under, boasts a coastline that offers incredible opportunities for surfers of all levels. With its golden sandy beaches, consistent swells, and a vibrant surf culture, Newcastle is a haven for wave riders. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just getting started, these top surf spots in Newcastle are bound to leave you stoked. In this guide, we'll take you on a journey to explore the best beaches to surf at in Newcastle, Australia.

  1. Merewether Beach:

Merewether ocean baths

Located just a stone's throw away from Newcastle's city center, Merewether Beach is a legendary surf destination. Known for its consistent and powerful waves, it has even hosted international surf competitions. The Merewether Beach break is perfect for both experienced surfers looking to catch some big waves and beginners keen on learning from the pros. The iconic Merewether Surfboard Club, one of the oldest in the world, adds to the rich surfing heritage of this beach.

  1. Nobby's Beach:

Nobbys beach best surf spot australia

Nobby's Beach is another gem for surf enthusiasts. It's a bit more sheltered compared to Merewether, making it suitable for learners and families. The consistent swell makes it a great place to ride the waves year-round. After an exhilarating surf session, take a stroll along the Nobby's Breakwall to enjoy stunning ocean views.

  1. Bar Beach:

Bar beach australia sunset

Bar Beach is often a favorite among locals. Its name comes from the submerged sandbar just offshore, creating excellent waves for surfers. With a relaxed vibe and pristine waters, it's a fantastic place to hone your skills or simply relax on the sandy shores. If you're new to surfing, you can even find local surf schools offering lessons to get you started.

  1. Dixon Park Beach:

Surfer at dixon park beach australia running to catch waves

Dixon Park Beach, located between Merewether and Bar Beach, is known for its consistent beach breaks. It's a bit less crowded than its neighbours, making it a great choice for those who prefer a quieter surfing experience. It's also an excellent spot for bodyboarding and sunbathing.

  1. Redhead Beach:

Redhead beach surfer girl wearing lies collective

If you're in search of a more secluded surf spot, head up to Redhead Beach. This beautiful stretch of coastline offers excellent waves and stunning natural beauty. While it's a bit further from the city center, the journey is worth it for the pristine conditions and fewer crowds.


Newcastle, Australia, offers an incredible array of surfing opportunities along its stunning coastline. Whether you're chasing powerful waves, gentle swells, or simply want to soak up the surf culture, Newcastle's beaches have something for everyone. From the world-renowned Merewether Beach to the tranquil shores of Redhead Beach, you'll find your perfect wave waiting for you in this surf mecca. So, grab your board, catch a wave, and experience the thrill of surfing in Newcastle, Australia.

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